The Personal portfolio site is dedicated to demonstrating experience and skills accumulated by completing The Odin Project, A programe Geared towards gaining practical abilities to become a Web Developer. The journey began with amatuer knowledge of C/C++ and with the Project's help, functional web-apps were developed with best coding practices in mind.
Tiles below Showcase Some of many Great Projects that significantly Improved the understanding of various aspects of web developement throughout the journey. Hover On The tile to see a short summary about the Project and click to learn more.

A Simple Calculator App in which one can Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide. This was the first project that required a good amount of Javascript for a beginner project.
Some Difficulties that were incountered in developing this were the implementation of back and the dot(.) operation.
This was a great beginner project, which helped grasp the relation of javascript with Dom.

To Do List
To do List was one of the biggest Multi Route Project with a lot of learning opportunities throughout the developement process
Interestingly The Odin Project had not thaught to use any Router for navigation yet, so its all done using functions that run onClick
Main objective was to learn about factory functions and classes. The project does not use any front-end framework, learning to manipulate html elements using just javaScript was invalubale.

Tic Tac Toe
The Classic Game of Tic Tac Toe, designed using React and CSS. The goal was to understand basic app logic and provide simple, welcoming user Interface.
Game has "Local" and "Online" modes. Websocket Library was used to create online experience.
The Goal of this project was to understand relation between Parent and Child components and to increase knowledge of two-way communication in web developement.

Blog Post Site
Blog Post Site was the first big Full-Stack project, that had Authentication, Database support and a content management tool(tinyMCE).
The Site can be used to read and write blogs, Users can create an account to Vote or commnet on blogs
A lot of new real-world experiences were gained during the developent, especially with Authentication and database queries.

Messaging App
The most fun I ever had until now programming was with this Project, The core app is similar to the Blog Post Site with Athentication a Database support.
The Real time chat aspect is where I got to learn about websockets and incredible functionality the library offers.
The App is also made with responsive design in mind and scales acurately with the deminsions of the device.